ENPC | European Nursery Products Confederation

BDKH Statement about Russian invasion of Ukraine

March 11, 2022


BDKH press release 

8th March 2022


Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Association of the German Nursery Products Industry (BDKH) and its member companies are observing with great dismay the shocking consequences of the Russian war of aggression in the Ukraine, which is a clear breach to international law. We condemn this invasion of a peaceful country, which is an attack on freedom and democracy worldwide. We are appalled by the targeted shelling of residential areas and hospitals, which has already cost many lives and endangers the lives of hundreds of thousands. Fear of the attacks has turned millions of Ukrainians into homeless war refugees. This humanitarian catastrophe also affects babies, children and young people. Countless families are being torn apart by this war.

Our thoughts and sympathy are with all those afflicted and suffering. Our unreserved solidarity belongs to the people in Ukraine. As a manufacturers’ association with an international network of suppliers, dealers and customers, we act across all borders and beyond resentments. Our mission is to make the living environment for children and families better and safer. Acts of war and violence are incompatible with our values.

Therefore, we call for an immediate halt to the violence and inhumane bloodshed in the Ukraine. We advocate the resumption of political talks.

Together with our European umbrella organisation, the European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC), we support the current European and global sanctions in the face of the egregious violation of international law by the Russian leadership. The European Union and Ukraine are linked in many ways. Our member companies fully support the necessary political measures. But they are also commit themselves with local partners and embassies for families and children who find themselves in difficult and dangerous situations. The BDKH supports the “Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe” with a financial donation for its humanitarian work in the Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

We ask all members of our branch of trade to do everything possible to help the people from the Ukraine and at the same time to build up economic pressure on the Russian leadership. Please support the work of the aid organisations with donations in cash and in kind and by doing that the many suffering families with their children. Thank you very much!

Board and Management of the BDKH


Aid organisations in action for the Ukraine:


Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk

Save the Children

SOS Kinderdörfer weltweit

Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe


www.bdkh.eu and www.kleineheldenlebensicher.de